"Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil." - Sir Winston Churchill

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

"It's The Economy, Stupid!!!"

In speaking with a close associate who happens to be a staunch supporter of Senator Obama, the conversation turned to Obama’s associations with persons of dubious character. Key among them, unrepentant Marxist terrorist William Ayers (Weathermen Underground). Let us not forget however that Senator Obama is also a follower and admirer of the late Saul Alinsky, Marxist and author of "Reveille for Radicals" (1946) and "Rules for Radicals" (1971) as well as Christian Socialist Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Such persons are typical of those who rise to superstar stature on the Left. Their violent and vitriolic attacks upon all that they perceive as inimical to their visions of Socialism has not caused them to be ostracized from the Leftist mainstream, rather it is the ultimate resume enhancer. The usual retort from the Left is that their transgressions were committed long ago and therefore need not be an issue in the present. The sad fact is that there are many who chose to accept such vacuous logic as sound.

Would one have a similar indifference towards a politician who expressed admiration for Germany’s National Socialist Labour Party, Adolph Hitler, Tamany Hall or the Confederate States of America? Indeed not. But attacks upon the pillars of American society (Individual liberty, free enterprise, rule of law and private property rights) earns one the highest accolades from the Left.

Some claim that what really matters is the economy, hence discussion about Obama’s associations with the likes of Ayers, Rev Wright and Alisky are mere distractions. On the contrary. Because it is the economy that matters most in the eyes of some, his associations with radical Socialists is crucial. To the extent that he shares their worldview, we gain unambiguous insight into his vision for America; socially, politically and yes, economically.

We do not focus on Obama’s associates instead of the economy. We focus on them because of it.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008