"Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil." - Sir Winston Churchill
Friday, December 09, 2011
Friday, December 02, 2011
Battlefield USA – The Outcry Against Senate Bill 1867

Amid a din of breathless, fear-induced bloviating, the US Senate voted on 28, November 2011, to approve amendments to the National Defence Authorizations Act (SB 1867), over President Obama’s threat of a veto. The outcry of pseudo-Libertarians, Leftists and media pundits centre on the language of Sections 1031 & 1032 of the amendments, that permits suspected terrorists captured within the borders of the US to be removed from the authority of civilian law enforcement and placed immediately in the custody of the US military. Pursuant to the authority granted under Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution, said individuals may be denied the privilege of a Writ of Habeas Corpus until the end of military hostilities. Naturally, certain people are concerned that this language opens the door to the detention of US citizens by the military. Yet nothing could be further from the truth.
There are times when such issues come to the fore that one may shrug it off as general ignorance. In the present case however, one can only conclude that those opposing this Bill are engaged in a spirited dance of prevarication. A simple reading of Subtitle D, Section 1032 (B) tells the story quite clearly wherein it reads that the provisions of Section 1032 shall not apply to a citizen or lawful resident of the United States.
Moreover, the preceding Sections expressly note that the law applies specifically to individuals associated with al-Queda, the Taliban and affiliated groups. As for persons in the US who knowingly and wilfully assist said groups in waging war against the people of the United States, it must be noted that under the Constitution Writ of Habeas Corpus is a privilege, not a right. That privilege may be rescinded in cases of invasion (and a terrorist cell is an invading hostile force) if public safety deems it necessary. In the present case, Writ of Habeas Corpus will be denied the parties belligerent.
There is much to be criticised in the National Defence Authorizations Act. In fact, there is ample Constitutional justification for its nullification in whole. If the detractors wanted to make that case, I would be solidly in their corner. What I cannot countenance is a disingenuous attempt to foment public outcry.
John Quincy Adams once opined that “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” Libertarians, Leftists, media pundits and President Obama would do themselves, and the rest of us, a favour by considering this little caveat instead of creating irrational public hysteria.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Evolution of Public Policy

Congressman John Doe wants to unionize auto wash employees. He says publicly that it is because they are routinely subjected to harsh treatment by their employers, forced to work long hours and paid a wage too low to allow them to earn a living. Behind closed doors of course he admits that this would be a great way to get personal name recognition in his State. Moreover, as unions cast their lot with his political party, this would be a great way to increase his party’s chances of electoral success, obtain lobbying funds from said unions and local activists and solidify his support among Hispanics who make up the vast majority of auto wash employees in his state.
So he begins with a spirited PR campaign on the issue. He has many close associates and supporters in the media so getting them to run his Press Releases nearly verbatim is no problem. They even do a series of “special reports” extolling the woeful working and living conditions of the employees. Eventually it reaches the point where he and his media accomplices brand it a “crisis” and as we all know, a ‘crisis” demands the strong hand of government.
Once the public perception of the situation has been sufficiently tailored, he and his colleagues conspire with community activists to organize unions among the employees. But there’s a problem. This is such a easy job that any employer can easily locate people willing to perform the work at the rate he is willing to pay and his customers are willing to bear. The answer then is a new law that punishes any employer who seeks to avoid the added costs associated with union demands.
Within months the employer’s cost for a basic wash goes from $3 to $10. The natural economic result of course is that the employer passes the additional costs on to his customers by increasing his price from $7 to $15. While some consumers begrudgingly pay the higher fees for the service others, including those who supported the idea of unionization, choose to forgo the use of commercial services and instead wash their vehicles at home. Naturally the owner wants to attract customers back so he offers a few value-added services to entice people to use the service which is now double the price one year earlier. With dwindling customer support owners begin closing their shops. Normally they would begin by increasing prices but that’s the cause of the current problem. The other option would be cutting the workforce but the union contract makes this impossible.
When Congressman Doe and the local activists witness the negative consequences of unionization they conclude that the employers and consumers are acting on “greed.” The only way to force consumers back into the commercial auto wash services is to make it illegal to wash their vehicles at home. In come crony capitalism and the Baptist-bootleggers.
The owners have a dilemma. Many of them actually support the political party of Congressman Doe and those who do not understand that the political atmosphere is such that having the policy reversed is highly unlikely. So they form a trade union of auto wash owners Crony Capitalists United (CCU).
With the help of Congressman Doe and his colleagues CCU joins hands with environmental activists to work out the specifics of their plan. The idea is to launch a campaign using environmental groups for cover (the “Baptists”). The programme is of course largely financed by CCU (the “bootleggers”). Aided by their friends in the media, they focus on the strain home auto washing places on local water resources. Then they turn the public’s attention to the run-off which goes into local drainage systems. Surely this affects beaches and shoreline ecosystems. They even finance a few “scientific” studies on the matter, all with the same result of course. Eventually the public is convinced that this is a “crisis” and as we all know, a ‘crisis” demands the strong hand of government.
A year later we have a new law/regulation that makes it illegal to wash your vehicle at home. Now that the public is forced to use a specific commercial service, the consumer price of that service increases yet again. Not only because of the increase in government-manufactured demand, but also because members of the CCU are now comfortably protected from a decline in business. To get around the threat of increased competition, they join with government regulators to make entry into the business cost-prohibitive using a combination of license fees, permits, bonding, insurance, CCU enrolment fees and mandatory unionized labour force, to name a few. Furthermore, members of CCU adopt a price floor to prevent any one member from reducing his price so as to achieve a competitive advantage.
In the end, Congressman Doe and his colleagues get money from lobbyists on all sides each seeking to either increase their privileges or avoid harmful laws and regulations. The CCU enjoys the benefits of higher profits and legal protection. Environmental organizations enjoy yet another legislative/regulatory victory. The employees of the union enjoy higher wages, better benefits and not threat of job loss. In fact, the only group that suffers here is the consumer (aka, common man).
This is how a single well or ill-intended idea naturally evolves into a series of public policy disasters for the common man.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
“Compromise” Is Not A Strategy

In the days leading up to the political showdown these people can be counted upon to criticize any conservative or Libertarian who refuses to stand on principle. They are admonished to stand firm on limited government and individual liberty. Yet the moment the issue comes to the fore, “compromise” becomes the only objective the critics seek.
They begin by accepting the premise of the Left; that the issue being addressed is a “crisis”. Next is the conclusion that the government must act now to save the people from the impending calamity. Since the Left is most often the advocate for the government solution, it is the Right that must “compromise” so that something can be done. No one bothers to question whether there really is a “crisis” and if so, why government action is the only option? They never even ask whether the proposed law or regulation will solve the problem or exacerbate it. Those who do so are summarily dismissed as being blind to the needs of the common man. They are unrealistic, idealistic obstructionists who are holding the business of the people hostage.
Fact is, “compromise” is only possible when the parties to a dispute agree on the underlying premise. In such a case each may moderate his position so as to reach a solution. But when each is of a wholly different position on the underlying premise, the very concept of “compromise” is moot. The only option available is to advocate his respective position, win or lose. Any moderation can only be accomplished if one or both abandons his principles.
But doesn’t that mean they never had principles to begin with?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
How To Lose An Election

Even if Republicans prove victorious in the next Presidential election I fear they will once again sow the seeds of long-lasting defeat. In effect, Republicans will demonstrate their mastery of the art of losing by winning.
The most common lament of Republicans (Tea Party included) is the fact that it is so hard to find a Republican who is willing to stand on principle. The problem of course is that the moment someone answers the call, he/she is immediately derided as hopelessly “unrealistic” and dismissed as “unelectable.” To be appealing to Republicans one has to be principled but to actually get their vote one has to be the typical slick politician.
Republicans will therefore follow the dictates of the GOP establishment and nominate a “safe” candidate, which is to say, a candidate who either meets with the approval of or does not stir the fears of the Left. They will cast their pearls before a candidate who they believe is likely to win based on the assessments of “consultants,” rather than the candidate most likely to uphold the values cherished by people who call themselves “Republicans.” For many Republicans, the defeat of Obama represents a moral victory rather than an actual opportunity to right a great many wrongs imbedded in to the American political, social and economic system over the past 100 or more years. So they will seek only to win the next election. As for laying the groundwork for a counter-offensive against the Left, they have no such ambitions. That is the shame, because the current climate presents a perfect opportunity to accomplish both.
Yet before one can engage in battle one has to understand the lay of the land. Forget what you have been told by the hoards of politically-connected “consultants” and celebrity talking-heads. Clear your mind of the rubbish regarding the so-called “independents” and “undecided’s.” The US electorate is actually quite easy to identify and understand. So here goes:
Block Votes
Democrats generally enter an election cycle with a 10 - 12 point advantage. This point spread is made up of groups that vote Democrat irrespective of the candidate or the issues. It includes: Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Gays and Union members. With exception of Union members each group individually accounts for relatively few votes, whereas the combined force of their numbers can be a deciding factor in local, state and national elections. These are the voters on whom Democrats do not have to expend many resources as their support is virtually assured due to the irrational fears they harbour towards Republicans. The only real issue here for the Left is voter turnout. This is most certainly a major handicap for the GOP, but it is by no means insurmountable.
Democrats generally enter an election cycle with a 10 - 12 point advantage. This point spread is made up of groups that vote Democrat irrespective of the candidate or the issues. It includes: Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Gays and Union members. With exception of Union members each group individually accounts for relatively few votes, whereas the combined force of their numbers can be a deciding factor in local, state and national elections. These are the voters on whom Democrats do not have to expend many resources as their support is virtually assured due to the irrational fears they harbour towards Republicans. The only real issue here for the Left is voter turnout. This is most certainly a major handicap for the GOP, but it is by no means insurmountable.
As for Gays and union members, their issues of concern place them in an inimitably adversarial relationship with Conservatives/Classical Liberals. There is therefore, little that can be done to appeal to these groups that would not involve, on some level, an abandonment of the principles which Republicans purport to represent. However there is, much that Republicans can do to broaden their appeal among Blacks, Hispanics and Jews. A good starting point would be developing the courage to stand on principle in the face of the mindless calls for “compromise.” Additionally the GOP has to address them as American citizens as opposed to some special minority class thereof.
*"Gays" here does not mean those who are engaged in same-sex relationships. Rather it applies to those who seek political, social and/or economic privileges on the basis of their sexual preference.
Young People
While younger people (18-29) generate enormous public clamour they comprise a rather small percentage of actual voters. Even the famed student movements of the 1960’s which forced major changes in social and economic policy did little to effect electoral results. In fact, these students eventually forced the DNC to nominate George McGovern for President against a wildly unpopular Richard Nixon. Nixon carried 49 states in the election that followed. Young people simply do not vote in sufficient numbers to have an appreciable impact on national elections. Democrats know this as well as Republicans. So why are they an important demographic?
Democrats practice the art of preparing the field for next-year’s harvest. By appealing to younger people today when they are less likely to vote, Democrats reap the rewards of their support tomorrow when their votes do matter. In actuality, the Left’s preparation of the youth begins at the grade-school level. Democrats may follow the Keynesian method of focusing on the near-term in economic policy but their electoral strategy is centred squarely on the long run.
Senior Citizens
The elderly (65 and over) are, as a group, the most active electoral participants. This is most likely a matter of having the time available to inform themselves of issues of importance. Like the 30-64 age group, they often split somewhat equally for Democrats and Republicans in national and state elections. At the local level however, the elderly represent a more homogeneous grouping. Thus some communities can be expected to be solid blocks for either Democrats or Republicans. The issues which can swing their vote typically involve changes in the system of entitlements targeted for the elderly.
The GOP has to have the courage to make the case for common-sense reform. More importantly they need to intelligence to do so in a way that does not play into the stereotype of Republicans as heartless and insensitive.
The “Real” Swing Voters
The only category of voters whose support is up-for-grabs at the national level is heterosexual, non-union, White men and women under the age of 65. This demographic tends to vote on the basis of economics, foreign policy and national security concerns yet they have shown a small but noticeable tendency to vote on key social issues as well (i.e. illegal immigration, abortion and gay marriage). Although they vote nearly 50/50 for Democrats and Republicans, a candidate’s position on the issues can swing the demographic 7 or more points either way.
Based upon many fruitless discussions with Republicans I am convinced that the GOP, along with the average Republican voter stakes its hopes on securing a temporary electoral victory. I truly believe that we will watch once again, as Republicans ignore the opportunity to broaden its base in hopes of gaining a few additional points among the elderly and swing voters. Why? Because it safe. And for a group of people (Conservatives/Classical Liberals) who pride themselves on the ideals of free enterprise where he who accepts the greatest risk often reaps the greatest reward, Republicans are obsessed with playing it safe in politics. They are willing to lose the American dream not only for themselves but for generations to come in exchange for the temporary euphoria of claiming victory on Election Day.
Democrats on the other hand, focus on tillage. Following basic revolutionary tactics, the Left will often engage in battles they know they have little hope of winning. The point is not to win (though they will take it if they can get it) but to sow the seeds for an offensive that is 2, 5 or perhaps 10 years down the line. It’s an investment in the future and like all investments, one willingly accepts a bit of sacrifice in the present. The Left is willing to risk defeat if it means they can use the national spotlight for effective propaganda purposes. In this way they demonstrate more courage and a greater understanding of the psyche of the people than their opponents. So while the Republicans seek only to get someone in office with an “R” behind his/her name because it makes them feel better, their opponents busy themselves winning the culture.
If Republicans want to have a lasting impact on the American culture, and not just the next election, they will have to choose between:
1) Repairing the leaks in the hull of the ship, and
2) Remaining in shallow water where sinking wont hurt as much
2) Remaining in shallow water where sinking wont hurt as much
Friday, November 11, 2011
Stop Feeding Leviathan
Any government that can do anything it wants for you, will not long delay doing anything it wants to you. This is something that left-wing Socialists, right-wing Statists and the voters who empower them, continue to ignore to their and our detriment.
Whenever you give the government the authority, or sheepishly accept its arrogation of authority, to do a thing simply because that thing seems necessary to redress an historic grievance, address a current crisis or avert a future disaster, you are feeding an avaricious beast and by extension, surrendering your freedom. I know that your intention is to give them the authority to act only with respect to a particular issue, but that is not the way government works. What you are actually doing is establishing a principle and that principle, once established, becomes the basis for any and all future usurpations of your rights and freedoms.
I recall an incident in 2009, when the Obama Administration wanted to deny Fox News access to the White House. The other journalists in the press pool were incensed. Several news organizations informed the White House that they would not cover its affairs if Fox News is excluded. They didn’t do this because they supported Fox News of course. No, they were responding to what they correctly saw as the establishment of a dangerous precedent (principle).
Whenever you give the government the authority, or sheepishly accept its arrogation of authority, to do a thing simply because that thing seems necessary to redress an historic grievance, address a current crisis or avert a future disaster, you are feeding an avaricious beast and by extension, surrendering your freedom. I know that your intention is to give them the authority to act only with respect to a particular issue, but that is not the way government works. What you are actually doing is establishing a principle and that principle, once established, becomes the basis for any and all future usurpations of your rights and freedoms.
I recall an incident in 2009, when the Obama Administration wanted to deny Fox News access to the White House. The other journalists in the press pool were incensed. Several news organizations informed the White House that they would not cover its affairs if Fox News is excluded. They didn’t do this because they supported Fox News of course. No, they were responding to what they correctly saw as the establishment of a dangerous precedent (principle).
Friday, October 07, 2011
Open Letter to Occupy Wall Street

My first instinct is to question your bona fides for one reason, I suspect your angst and anger is politically, rather than principally motivated. Thus far, no one has given me a reason to think otherwise. It may seem somewhat queer to you that I actually agree with some of your complaints against certain financial institutions. The only difference however is that I also fault the politicians, regulators, political activists, unions and consumers (not an exhaustive list) who knowingly and willfully created and/or exploited the system. When people profit on the basis of force, fraud or deceit, all of their gains are ill-gotten and they get no mercy from me. This is a rule that I apply to the beggar and the banker, the government and the governed, the rich and the poor, the old and the young, the black and the white the gay and the straight, the immigrant and the native born. Yet when I see your signs and hear your complaints, I see a selective outrage that is designed to serve the interests of a particular political party and ideology.
Imagine if you will that I am a security consultant for financial institutions. This institutions’ insurers actually obligates them to use my services therefore, they are inclined to adjust their procedures according to my recommendations. Somewhere along the way, through either nescience or nefariousness, I advise my clients to take steps which leave them open to loss. Naturally, a group of experienced thieves and/or well-placed employees in the institution take advantage of the opportunity.
Now in this scenario I merely create the atmosphere which enables the crime. The actual deed is perpetrated by people with whom I have no direct connection.
That the perpetrators should be prosecuted for the crime they commit is beyond question (I hope). I however plead innocent on the grounds that while I may have created the environment which led to the crime, I cannot be held responsible for the incident as I did not personally coerced them into acting in that manner. Ostensibly, I had no direct control over, nor association with the perpetrators. As they are all adults, of sound mind and under no duress, they had a legal, moral and ethical responsibility to conduct themselves in a lawful manner without regard to the opportunities available to them.
Now any reasonable person would logically think me the fool for proffering such a defense, and would equally think my advocates to be less than honorable in having presented it on my behalf. But isn’t this exactly what you are arguing? Banks and other financial institutions should be prosecuted for the financial crises that occurred as a result of their activity, whereas the politicians and regulators who fostered the atmosphere wherein such actions were not just encouraged, but mandated, bear no responsibility whatsoever.
We are asked to hate the behavior and the persons of the financial institutions for reasons that are arguably sound and simultaneously expected to ignore the behavior of the politicians and regulators for reasons that are not even articulated. We are told to hate the corporations that used taxpayer dollars to meet their obligations to executives (white collar workers) and simultaneously look the other way when they used those dollars to meet their obligations to the unions (blue collar workers). We are told that it is wrong to subsidize existing energy producers and simultaneously expected to subsidize a non-existent alternative energy industry.
Well, perhaps this duplicity is due to the fact that, you have yet to find a way to criticize the politicians, unions or “green energy” companies without indicting the world-view upon which their actions are predicated. To point the accusatory finger without regard to the identity of the perpetrator or beneficiary would obviously cause you to at least question the basis of your grievance. An interesting conundrum indeed.
This is the perpetual “sword of Damocles” for your movement and your ideology.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Anthony Weiner, Human After All?
As a general rule, I firmly hold that the private, victimless affairs of individuals are their own and no one has the right to know the details of the lives of others. But once such incidents are introduced into the public arena by the parties thereto, not only is it a matter of public interest, it becomes a matter on which others may express their judgments and hold the parties to account. Why? Be cause contrary to the dreamy hopes of Frankfurt School socialists (Foucault, Marcuse, Derrida, Chomsky, et.al.), there are objective standards of “right and wrong” and “good and bad.” Our ability to recognize same, is the single greatest characteristic which distinguishes conscious-driven human beings from sociopaths.
Yet despite this, there are in fact two glaring reasons why Weiner should have resigned immediately.
Weiner and the American Left have established the rule that a politician accused of illicit and/or aberrant behavior is unfit for public office. At least this is the rule which they apply to their political enemies/opponents on the Right. Republicans are routinely forced from office or at least set upon for same, by the Left for failing to live up to certain standards of rectitude. Therefore, it is only reasonable then that a Democrat who is proven to have so behaved, must be invited to leave his post by same said Leftists. It is shameful (were they capable of shame) that they vacillated on this issue for so long before pressuring him to do the right thing for his constituents and the American people in general.
There is however, a greater matter of concern as regards Weiner’s behavior vis-à-vis his responsibilities as a public official and the authority which he and his ilk have arrogated to themselves.
These supposedly well-intended men and women of the Left have anointed themselves our moral arbiters. They believe that we the governed are so morally and ethically bankrupt, that if left to our own devices and initiative, the entire universe would become a veritable wasteland. Therefore they and they alone must assume control over our lives so as to protect us from ourselves. We simply cannot be trusted with the responsibility of making decisions about our lives. It is Weiner and his ilk who must tell us the kind of car we should drive, the kinds of light bulbs we should use, the kinds of healthcare we are permitted to have, the manner in which we are allowed to raise and educate our children, the proper temperature of the Earth and the list goes on ad nauseum.
Allow me to turn to, Frederic Bastiat:
The claims of these organizers of humanity raise another question which I have often asked them and which, so far as I know, they have never answered: If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind? The organizers maintain that society, when left undirected, rushes headlong to its inevitable destruction because the instincts of the people are so perverse. The legislators claim to stop this suicidal course and to give it a saner direction. Apparently, then, the legislators and the organizers have received from Heaven an intelligence and virtue that place them beyond and above mankind; if so, let them show their titles to this superiority.So long as Weiner and his colleagues hold themselves out as somehow more moral than I, possessing a prescience that is truly god-like, it is only fair that I should hold them to standards of rectitude which exceed the expectations of fallible human beings. When Leftists give up their “right” to control my life, accepting that they are no more deified than I, I will gladly permit them the privilege of error and forgiveness. Until then let us all hold these gods-among-men to the standards expected of gods and permit them no room for human indiscretion.
They would be the shepherds over us, their sheep. Certainly such an arrangement presupposes that they are naturally superior to the rest of us. And certainly we are fully justified in demanding from the legislators and organizers proof of this natural superiority. – The Law (1850)
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