"Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil." - Sir Winston Churchill

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Ultimate Win-Win

Former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu once observed that peace in the Middle East is beyond our reach because the world has been complicit in the duplicity of the Arabs desire to obtain a unilateral win-win situation in their acrimonious relationship with Israel. Basically, the Arabs have developed a plan wherein they can launch a war of annihilation against Israel, loose the war, then demand that Israel surrender. The Democratic Party and other elements of the American Left have obviously been reading their playbook.

The Democrats used every conceivable tool in their arsenal in an attempt to destroy George Bush and the political right. They may not have invented the ad hominem, but they certainly perfected it. Despite their best efforts, they lost resoundingly at the polls. Now, rather than accepting the decision of the majority of Americans, they are insisting that the President accept their ideas using the common “uniter, not a divider” sophistry. In other words, they started the war, lost the battle, and now demand that the Republicans surrender notwithstanding. That’s what I call hubris!

To borrow a phrase from Governor Schwarzenegger, why should we listen to losers?

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