"Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil." - Sir Winston Churchill

Monday, February 07, 2005

Leftist Double-Speak

Democrats love euphemisms. Their latest is the use of the expression “roll-back” to describe the action of increasing Federal tax rates.

They find it irritating that we refer to the “roll-back” as a tax increase because in times past, they were able to use words in the manner most suitable to their position. Humpty-Dumpty would be proud of this Looking Glass dialect.

Now some are pointing to the fact that when W came into office in 2001, he signed an executive order that cancelled one signed previously by Clinton. Clinton’s EO, which was intended to drastically cut arsenic levels in drinking water, was signed in the last two weeks of his presidency, or 7-years and 50 weeks after he took office. It is important to note that when W singed an EO canceling Clinton’s the Clinton EO had not yet been implemented. Therefore, arsenic levels were not increased by W rather they were simply frozen at their existing levels. Had the Clinton EO been implemented (even partially) it would be correct to refer to W’s action as an increase in arsenic levels.

By contrast the 2001 Tax Cut has already been implemented. Any “roll-back” would result in an actual increase in the Federal tax rate. This means that one would be paying more after the “roll-back” than one is paying at the current rates.

If this is confusing to you, you can now appreciate the logic of Leftist double-speak.

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