I do not publish this with the hopes of forcing Mr. Sidly to change his heart and mind. I am a firm believer in the rights of property owners to do with their property whatever they choose. My purpose is simply to bring this matter to the attention of all of those who care about fundamental fairness and human compassion. This transcends politics; or at least it should.
Mr. Sidly’s actions are well within his legal rights, but it cannot be denied that he is committing a grave injustice towards countless innocent people for no other reason than his hatred of Republicans.
Hello Everyone,
Dome Village has been given a sudden "eviction" notice by the property of 847 Golden Avenue in the form of rent hike from $2,500 dollars plus a $10,000 annual tax fee, to $18,330 per month.
Obviously, JHUSA does not have that kind of money, and even if we did, we would not pay such an outrageous amount of rent.
Also, the property owner has made it clear that he will not receive our money, even if we did have it, because he is absolutely resolute that Dome Village is to leave his property.
This stealth "eviction" is not a consequence of JHUSA not paying the $2,500 per month rent, but rather his political bias, prejudice and racism.
You see, the eviction came two days (Tuesday, December 13,2005) after he had viewed an Los Angeles Times article in the California Section B-3, dated Sunday, December 11,2005, in which I expressed my political persuasion of being a Republican to the Bel Air Womens Republican Club the day before.
During several telephone conversations the property owner clearly stated that the reason for the sudden rent hike was the fact that I proclaimed myself a Republican loyal to the ideals of our party.
In fact, among many other mad statements from this ardent Democrat-liberal was his challenge of, "If you are such a Republican and the Republicans care so much about you, then let the Republicans help you from now on. This Democrat is tired of supporting Ted Hayes." Something to that effect.
It is evident that the eviction is based on the political bias and prejudice of Mr. Milton Sidly, who is actually punishing the homeless residents of Dome Village (* single men and women, children and senior citizens, families, and pets) as well as attempting to weaken the Justiceville movement to end homelessness, as well as "cool-down" the effective political profession of Ted Hayes.
Ironically, the United States of America is fighting, killing and dying in places like Afghanistan and Iraq that the peoples of those lands are free to their political expression without the fear of retaliation from government, vigilantes, individuals, employers or property owners.
Yet, here in the land of the free and home of the brave, I can't freely express my political views without having to suffer consequences from a land owner to whom my organization has faithfully paid rent of $2,500 and annual fee of $10,000 taxes. This bigotry and racism has no place in the this country nor anywhere else in the world.
Also, what is strikingly disturbing, according to Democrats, it appears that being a Republican is already bad enough in and of itself, but to be Republican and BLACK is the worse thing that a person can be or do. It is wickedness!
What is this phenomenon, that American Black people are not allowed to be openly Republican?
I know that there are many Black folks who are "closet" Republican because they fear retribution from friends, family members, work associates and employers.
It is as though it was Republicans and not Democrats who held us a slaves; fought the government to keep us a slaves; placed us under the oppression of Jim Crow laws; denied us the right to vote; and destroyed the Black communities with the last forty years of indoctrinating us with Socialist philosophy of the welfare state.
Frankly, the disdain should be the very opposite, that being a Black Democrat is odious. In other words, knowing the truth of these two political parties, the question can be asked, "How can a Black be or remain a Democrat."
In light of our beloved nations racial history, it is racist for anyone Democrat, especially White Democrats to denigrate any Blacks who freely chooses to return or be a part of the Political party - REPUBLICAN that freed our ancestry from slavery by the shed blood, maiming and death of their young men.
What is so frightening about a Black Republican? I know and so do you.
We are determined to fight back.
We will open our first volleys of return fire this Thursday morning, December 22,2005 at 10:00 AM at the Dome Village located at 847 Golden Avenue, when we will expose the political prejudice and racism of this Democrat who is simply keeping with the line of his party.
I will keep you updated as we proceed.
Thank you for your continued support, interest and vigilance against terrorism, including psychological terrorism that Black Republicans feel from Democrats.
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