"Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil." - Sir Winston Churchill

Monday, November 22, 2004

Michael Moore is No 1 Afterall

Finally Michael Moore gets the recognition he deserves.

Moore has been named No. 1 on FilmThreat.com’s “Frigid 50.” According to FilmThreat.com, "The Frigid 50 ice pack have left audiences cold with their overbearing personalities, poor career choices and chronic inability to stop making fools of themselves.” How they chose Moore with such heavyweight competition from the likes of Ben Afleck, Sean Penn and Susan Surandon, is unclear but Moore was a fine choice indeed.

They were kind enough to offer a bit of advice to the “filmmaker,”: “Remember, it's not always about you. Lose the chip on your shoulder.”

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Violent Indecent Bacchanal Entertainment (The Vibe Awards)

Perhaps you have heard the news that a few awards were given out last night during the taping of the second annual black-tie brawl known as the Vibe Awards.

I certainly could say more but why give these clowns any more free publicity.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Ultimate Win-Win

Former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu once observed that peace in the Middle East is beyond our reach because the world has been complicit in the duplicity of the Arabs desire to obtain a unilateral win-win situation in their acrimonious relationship with Israel. Basically, the Arabs have developed a plan wherein they can launch a war of annihilation against Israel, loose the war, then demand that Israel surrender. The Democratic Party and other elements of the American Left have obviously been reading their playbook.

The Democrats used every conceivable tool in their arsenal in an attempt to destroy George Bush and the political right. They may not have invented the ad hominem, but they certainly perfected it. Despite their best efforts, they lost resoundingly at the polls. Now, rather than accepting the decision of the majority of Americans, they are insisting that the President accept their ideas using the common “uniter, not a divider” sophistry. In other words, they started the war, lost the battle, and now demand that the Republicans surrender notwithstanding. That’s what I call hubris!

To borrow a phrase from Governor Schwarzenegger, why should we listen to losers?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

"How can 59 million people have been so dumb?"

For the first time since 1988, a presidential candidate has garnered a popular vote majority. The popular vote spread was nearly 4 million in fact. One British “news” paper, the Daily Mirror asks in its headline, “How can 59 million people be so dumb?” (click here to send them a few heart-felt, expletive-laden messages)

Yes, George Bush has been re-elected as President of the United States. The people punctuated that message by increasing the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, the Senate and several state governing bodies. The American people have made it clear that they will not allow the feelings, passions, and desires of the people across the pond to dictate the direction of their government.

Perhaps however, the word “dumb” is actually an acronym: Decidedly Unimpressed by Mindless Bureaucrats. In that case I consider this a rather fair question.

The vast majority of the American people know the danger of career politicians, bureaucrats if you will. Therefore, they chose to trust their future to a political philosophy that holds that government is not the solution to our problems, rather government is the problem.

George Bush and his cabinet members, in contrast to his opponents and detractors, believe that the strength of America lies in the wisdom of its politicians to get out of the peoples’ way. In America, the politicians sit in the driver’s seat to be sure. But they are not there as all-seeing, omnipotent leaders rather politicians are merely chauffeurs, taking the American people where the American people choose to go.

A better question would be: How can 55 million people have been so foolish?