"Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil." - Sir Winston Churchill

Monday, August 30, 2004

Have We Become Them?

I have been castigated today for my last post regarding the jeering of the Alexandra and Vanessa Kerry at the MTV Music Video Awards.

Some people have raised the “CNN” argument that the jeering was directed towards both the Kerry daughters and the Bush daughters. I take it these people did not watch the show. The jeering erupted when the Kerry daughters began speaking and was noticeably absent when they tossed it to the Bush daughters. If it were meant for both wouldn’t the crowd have been more or at least equally raucous when the Bush daughters began speaking? Just a thought.

Another response is that the jeering was coming from young nihilist who objected to having their fun interrupted by a political message. Fair enough. This explains a good deal of the jeering however I have it on good authority that a considerable amount of it was specifically meant for the messengers, not the message.

Still others claim that there were no Republicans/Conservatives/Libertarians in the audience. I’m starting to believe that people on our side of the political divide are extremely naïve.

I recall a Barbara Streisand concert in New York several years back. Barbara is known for engaging in political monologues and basic social commentary during her shows. Everyone expects this and no one is offended. It’s here style, you might say. But during one such speech she asked how many people in the audience were Republicans and nearly half the audience applauded and waved. She didn’t seem surprised by this at all as she said, “See. Republicans are the only people who could afford my tickets.” Everyone laughed and no one was offended (as far as I could tell). This was classic Barbara Streisand. The point of course is that non-Leftists do attend the concerts, films and awards shows of people they do not agree with politically. The difference is that we are starting to voice our disagreement with these so-called celebrities when they cross the line. Linda Ronstadt, Don Henley and Woopie Goldberg discovered this first-hand.

I have no problem with holding their feet to the fire when they go on the attack. I do however have a problem with attacking Leftists simply because we have a difference of opinion. It is shameful when they do it to us and even more so when we repay the favour.

I do not like seeing children throw tantrums yet I accept the fact that children will do so. But I am shocked and offended when adults do the same.

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