"Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil." - Sir Winston Churchill

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Have We No Compassion to Spare?

I spend much of my time answering other people’s questions. So let me take a moment to ask one. Why has there been so much silence among Americans over the recent incident of terror in Russia?

In case no one noticed, Muslim terrorists took more than 1000 people, mostly children, hostage in a school in Russia. Three days later the world became witness to the unconscionable brutality of these people when they systematically detonated explosives and fired their weapons taking the lives of nearly 400 hostages. Aside from the fact that the media has not given this incident the coverage it deserves, more appalling is the fact that our elected officials, from the White House down, have been shockingly and inexcusably silent. I am given little comfort by the fact that Donald Rumsfield issued a statement today condemning the incident.

A dear friend of mine who is Russian, is outraged at this. So am I. She does not understand why no one seems to be even marginally concerned about this. Nor do I. She cannot fathom something such as this occurring in the US and receiving a similar response. Nor can I.

When terrorists attacked the US on September 11, 2001, Americans justifiably expected and received blessings and support from the rest of the world and more importantly, condemnation of the acts of terrorists. Why are Americans so silent in the face hundreds of dead and injured children? They were not caught in the crossfire. They were the targets.

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