"Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil." - Sir Winston Churchill

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Paved With Good Intentions

It seems that all that can be said of the incident in the Atlanta courtroom has already been said. I still however feel the need to weigh-in on this matter.

This situation occurred not because an assailant was bent on committing an act of violence. That is to be expected. Rather, the fault lies with those who, for reasons other than a concern for public safety, allowed this individual to be inadequately guarded. Simply stated, the guard was a small stature female deputy escorting an unrestrained male suspect of considerable size with a known propensity for violent behavior. Why? Because, there are people in our world who live with the delusion that men and women are equal in every respect. It is delusional because, guided by the simple definition of delusion – maintaining a belief despite clear and convincing evidence to the contrary – common sense should have told them that this deputy was severely outmatched. It would have been inadvisable to place a male deputy of equal size in this situation. As the evidence of the past week shows, it was criminal to place a much smaller female deputy there.

Despite their lofty intentions we are yet again confronted with the logical result of the policies of Leftists. Yet again, I fear that they will refuse to learn from experience.

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