"Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil." - Sir Winston Churchill

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Just a Thought

A typical exchange with a devout Leftist, George Bush-hater goes as follows:

Leftist: "Bush lied about WMD to take America to war"

Answer: Aactually he simply relied upon and reiterated the same claims made by the former administration, various members of the Democratic party and numerous foreign leaders."

Leftist: "But Bush is the one who took us to war over it."

Now, I could be wrong, but its seems to me that what they are saying is that Bush is to be vilified because he acted in the face of a perceived threat to US national security. What they would prefer is that their leaders merely voiced grave concern about such things while doing absolutely nothing. Never mind the fact that in the face of such dangers the President, and Congress for that matter, is duty bound to act on America's behalf. Failure to do so could justifiably be ruled official nonfeasance. I admit however that the only authority I have for this position is little thing called the Constitution of the United States of America (Article II, Section 2 and Article I, Section 8, respectively).

Let me see if I understand this: Bush should have acted in the interest answering a perceived threat to US national security (attacks on 9/11) based upon intelligence information which everyone reasonably believed to be inaccurate yet he should not have acted in the interest of answering a perceived threat to US national security (Iraq WMD) based upon intelligence information which everyone reasonably believed to be accurate.

I have but one question for those who maintain the "Bush lied about WMD" theory: If the President is evil enough to have lied about the existence of WMD apparently feeling so strongly about it that he participated in a grand international conspiracy to manufacture false intelligence, long before he was elected to the office of the President, wouldn't we have found stockpiles of WMD by now? I mean, surely they would have ensured that WMD were planted sporadically about Iraq where they could be "found" by investigators after the invasion. Just a thought.

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